A downloadable tool
No longer supported by the author. This plugin can greatly raise the speed of turns in battles, allowing the removal of:
- Battle Log Messages
- Battle Log Animations
- Battle Log Popups (damage and healing values, misses)
- Battle Log Delays (between animations, messages...)
- Battle Log Performs (battlers movement during their actions)
Version -> 1.01
This plugin was tested only on RPG Maker MV Version 1.6.2. I cannot guarantee it works on lower versions.
Terms of Use:
- Available for commercial and non-commercial use
- You may freely edit the code
- You are not allowed to redistribute this plugin. Instead, provide a link(
- Do not claim this plugin as your own
- Credit is not required. However, if you want to, credit me as 'VCM Plugins'
Parameters Explanation
Remove Battle Log Message
This parameter determines whether Battle Log messages will be shown during turns in battle or not.
Remove Animations
This parameter determines whether skills and items animations will be shown in battle or not.
Remove Popups
This parameter determines whether popups will be shown during turns in battle or not. Those include damage and healing values and misses.
Remove Performs
This parameter determines whether battlers will perform during turns in battle or not. Those include moving to attack or evade and changing motions during the turn.
Remove Delay
This parameter determines whether there will be delays between the Battle Log executions in battle or not. Those happen most noticeably in Battle Log messages and animations.
This plugin should be compatible with the large majority of plugins out there, particularly if placed last in your Plugin Manager line-up.
Version -> 1.00
Released Plugin.
Version -> 1.01
Updated documentation.