A downloadable tool
This plugin allows battlers to act multiple times in a single turn. Number of actions may be limited by an Action Points resource and/or a hard limit on number of actions per turn. Enemies' subsequent actions are decided after their last action in the turn. Adds a Skip Command that ends all actions of a battler in the current turn. Actions may be made instant and/or separated and action order can be customized. Party Command Window may be removed. Battle Status, Battle Skill and Battle Item windows are slightly customizable. No longer supported by the author.
Version -> 1.03
This plugin was tested only on RPG Maker MV Version 1.6.2. I cannot guarantee it works on lower versions.
Terms of Use:
- Available for commercial and non-commercial use
- You may freely edit the code
- You are not allowed to redistribute this plugin. Instead, provide a link(
- Do not claim this plugin as your own
- Credit is not required. However, if you want to, credit me as 'VCM Plugins'
Parameters Explanation

Skip Command
This parameter determines whether the Skip Command will be added to the Actor Command Window or not.
Skip Command Vocabulary
This parameter specifies the text shown to the player in the Skip Command.
Action Points Resource
This parameter specifies what battler resource will act as Action Points. Options include MP, TP and the newly-added AP.
Action Points Vocabulary
This parameter specifies the text shown to the player in the battler's AP Gauge, besides its numbers.
Skill Action Points Cost
This parameter determines how much AP each Skill costs. The order must be exactly the same as the Skills Database. Non-number values may cause errors. Only used in battle and when AP is the Action Points Resource. In this situation, skills without a specified cost may not be used.
Item Action Points Cost
This parameter determines how much of the Action Points Resource each Item costs. The order must be exactly the same as the Items Database. Non-number values may cause errors. Only used in battle. In this situation, items without a specified cost may not be used.
Initial Action Points
This parameter determines the formula used to calculate a battler's initial Action Points. 'this' refers to the battler in the formula.
Action Points Regeneration
This parameter determines the formula used to calculate a battler's Action Points regeneration. 'this' refers to the battler in the formula.
Max Action Points
This parameter specifies the maximum value of the Action Points Resource a battler can ever reach. Only used when the Action Points Resource is not MP. Non-number values may cause errors.
AP Cost Color
This parameter determines the color of the AP Cost in the Battle Skill and Battle Item windows. System colors are used. Non-number values or numbers outside of the 0-31 range may cause errors.
Remove Party Command Window
This parameter specifies if Party Command Window will be disabled in-game or not.
Instant Actions
This parameter determines whether battlers will act instantly after choosing an action or not.
Separated Actions
This parameter determines whether the 'Action Order' Parameter will be calculated dynamically in a turn, or only at the start of a turn.
Action Order
This parameter determines the formula used to calculate how quick a battler will act in a turn. 'this._subject' refers to the battler in the formula.
Actor Max Actions
This parameter specifies the maximum of actions an actor may have in a single turn. Non-number values may cause errors.
Enemy Max Actions
This parameter specifies the maximum of actions an enemy may have in a single turn. Non-number values may cause errors.
HP Gauge x Offset
This parameter determines the x position of an actor's HP Gauge in Battle Status Window. The higher the value, the farther it will be to the right. Non-number values may cause errors.
MP Gauge x Offset
This parameter determines the x position of an actor's MP Gauge in Battle Status Window. The higher the value, the farther it will be to the right. Non-number values may cause errors.
TP Gauge x Offset
This parameter determines the x position of an actor's TP Gauge in Battle Status Window. The higher the value, the farther it will be to the right. Non-number values may cause errors.
AP Gauge x Offset
This parameter determines the x position of an actor's AP Gauge in Battle Status Window. The higher the value, the farther it will be to the right. Non-number values may cause errors.
HP Gauge Width
This parameter specifies the width of an actor's HP Gauge in Battle Status Window. Values lower than 1 will show nothing. Non-number values may cause errors.
MP Gauge Width
This parameter specifies the width of an actor's MP Gauge in Battle Status Window. Values lower than 1 will show nothing. Non-number values may cause errors.
TP Gauge Width
This parameter specifies the width of an actor's TP Gauge in Battle Status Window. Values lower than 1 will show nothing. Non-number values may cause errors.
AP Gauge Width
This parameter specifies the width of an actor's AP Gauge in Battle Status Window. Values lower than 1 will show nothing. Non-number values may cause errors.
AP Gauge Color 1
This parameter determines the color 1 of the AP Gauges. System colors are used. Non-number values or numbers outside of the 0-31 range may cause errors.
AP Gauge Color 2
This parameter determines the color 2 of the AP Gauges. System colors are used. Non-number values or numbers outside of the 0-31 range may cause errors.
Window Battle Skill Columns
This parameter determines the number of columns in Window Battle Skill. Values lower than 1 will show nothing. Non-number values may cause errors.
Window Battle Skill Spacing
This parameter specifies the spacing between skills in Window Battle Skill. Non-number values may cause errors.
Show AP Cost
This parameter determines whether AP costs will be shown in Window Battle Skill or not.
Show Multiple Costs
This parameter determines whether multiple costs may be shown in Window Battle Skill or not. If not, priority is set to: AP > TP > MP.
Adjust Battle Skill Elements
This parameter determines if skills in Window Battle Skill will have its name and costs adjusted to prevent overlapping or not.
Window Battle Item Columns
This parameter determines the number of columns in Window Battle Item. Values lower than 1 will show nothing. Non-number values may cause errors.
Window Battle Item Spacing
This parameter specifies the spacing between items in Window Battle Items. Non-number values may cause errors.
Show Action Points Cost
This parameter determines whether Action Points Resource costs will be shown in Window Battle Item or not.
Adjust Battle Item Elements
This parameter determines if items in Window Battle Item will have its name and costs adjusted to prevent overlapping or not.
Plugin Manager line-up for maximum compatibility:
Version -> 1.00
Released Plugin.
Version -> 1.01
Removed needing to skip turn to win battles when all enemies are dead, Instant Actions is set to 'true' and actors still have actions left. Updated documentation.
Version -> 1.02
Fixed enemies wrongly being allowed to have AP over the 'Max Action Points' Parameter value. Updated documentation.
Version -> 1.03
Updated documentation.