A downloadable tool
This plugin overrides the engine's default speed values with its parameters. This includes the speed of players, vehicles and events. Does not affect frequency. No longer supported by the author.
Version -> 2.01
This plugin was tested only on RPG Maker MV Version 1.6.2. I cannot guarantee it works on lower versions.
Terms of Use:
- Available for commercial and non-commercial use
- You may freely edit the code
- You are not allowed to redistribute this plugin. Instead, provide a link(
- Do not claim this plugin as your own
- Credit is not required. However, if you want to, credit me as 'VCM Plugins'
About speeds
The values of all parameters defines how much frames the respective object take to move 1 tile. It's impossible to move more than 1 tile per frame. 60 frames equals to 1 second. When calculating frames per tile, the number of frames used is always rounded up.
Frames per Tile = Math.max(Math.ceil(1 / Relevant Parameter Value), 1).
Relevant Parameter Value = 1 -> Frames per Tile = Math.max(1 / 1, 1) = 1; Relevant Parameter Value = 3 -> Frames per Tile = Math.max(1 / 3, 1) = 1; Relevant Parameter Value = 0.99 -> Frames per Tile = Math.ceil(1 / 0.99) = 2; Relevant Parameter Value = 0.5 -> Frames per Tile = Math.ceil(1 / 0.5) = 2; Relevant Parameter Value = 0.49 -> Frames per Tile = Math.ceil(1 / 0.49) = 3; Relevant Parameter Value = 0.34 -> Frames per Tile = Math.ceil(1 / 0.34) = 3; Relevant Parameter Value = 0.33 -> Frames per Tile = Math.ceil(1 / 0.33) = 4; Relevant Parameter Value = 0.25 -> Frames per Tile = Math.ceil(1 / 0.25) = 4; Relevant Parameter Value = 0.24 -> Frames per Tile = Math.ceil(1 / 0.24) = 5; Relevant Parameter Value = 0.2 -> Frames per Tile = Math.ceil(1 / 0.2) = 5; Relevant Parameter Value = 0.124 -> Frames per Tile = Math.ceil(1 / 0.124) = 9; Relevant Parameter Value = 0.112 -> Frames per Tile = Math.ceil(1 / 0.112) = 9;
Also, if the relevant parameter value is 1 or higher (1 frame per tile), events with 'Below characters' Priority and 'Event Touch' or 'Player Touch' Trigger will not be triggered unless the player stop in the event location.
Parameters Explanation

Normal Speed
This parameter sets the player's speed when not dashing nor touch inputting. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 have the same effect of 1. Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the player walk. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, the character will not move.
Dash Speed
This parameter sets the player's speed when dashing. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 have the same effect of 1. Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the player walk. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, the character will not move.
Touch Input Speed
This parameter sets the player's speed when using touch input. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 immediately teleport the player(provided the touched place is valid). Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the player walk. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, touch input movement will be disabled.
Speed 1
This parameter sets the speed 1 of events. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 have the same effect of 1. Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the event move. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, the event will not move. The actual value is 0.0078125, but the last digit was removed.
Speed 2
This parameter sets the speed 2 of events. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 have the same effect of 1. Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the event move. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, the event will not move.
Speed 3
This parameter sets the speed 3 of events. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 have the same effect of 1. Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the event move. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, the event will not move.
Speed 4
This parameter sets the speed 4 of events. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 have the same effect of 1. Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the event move. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, the event will not move.
Speed 5
This parameter sets the speed 5 of events. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 have the same effect of 1. Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the event move. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, the event will not move.
Speed 6
This parameter sets the speed 6 of events. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 have the same effect of 1. Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the event move. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, the event will not move.
Boat Speed
This parameter sets the player's speed when inside the boat. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 have the same effect of 1. Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the boat move. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, the boat will not move.
Ship Speed
This parameter sets the player's speed when inside the ship. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 have the same effect of 1. Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the ship move. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, the ship will not move.
Airship Speed
This parameter sets the player's speed when inside the airship. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 have the same effect of 1. Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the airship move. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, the airship will not move.
Touch Input Boat Speed
This parameter sets the player's speed when using touch input inside the boat. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 immediately teleport the player(provided the touched place is valid). Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the boat move. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, touch input movement will be disabled.
Touch Input Ship Speed
This parameter sets the player's speed when using touch input inside the ship. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 immediately teleport the player(provided the touched place is valid). Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the ship move. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, touch input movement will be disabled.
Touch Input Airship Speed
This parameter sets the player's speed when using touch input inside the airship. The higher the value, the higher the speed. Values higher than 1 immediately teleport the player(provided the touched place is valid). Values between 0.0001 and 0 were not properly tested for taking too much time to the airship move. If the value is 0, negative or non-number, touch input movement will be disabled.
Relevant Script Calls
This script call will change the player's normal movement speed to the value of x. If the value is 4, it will revert to the Normal Speed parameter value.
$gamePlayer.setMoveSpeed(0.1) = 0.1; $gamePlayer.setMoveSpeed(4) = Normal Speed parameter value;
This script call will change the current map's x event id movement speed to the value of y. If the value is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, it will revert to the respective Speed parameter value.
$gameMap.event(2).setMoveSpeed(0.03) = event 2's speed -> 0.03; this.setMoveSpeed(0.5) = current event's speed -> 0.5; $gameMap.event(23).setMoveSpeed(1) = event 23's speed -> Speed 1 parameter value; $gameMap.event(97).setMoveSpeed(2) = event 97's speed -> Speed 2 parameter value; $gameMap.event(9).setMoveSpeed(3) = event 9's speed -> Speed 3 parameter value; $gameMap.event(15).setMoveSpeed(4) = event 15's speed -> Speed 4 parameter value; $gameMap.event(46).setMoveSpeed(5) = event 46's speed -> Speed 5 parameter value; $gameMap.event(51).setMoveSpeed(6) = event 51's speed -> Speed 6 parameter value;
Plugin Manager line-up for maximum compatibility:
Version -> 1.00
Released Plugin.
Version -> 2.00
Added Vehicle Speeds. Player will now immediately teleport when using touch input movement if the respective speed parameter value is higher than 1. Character and events will be static if the respective speed parameter value is not higher than 0. Followers have the same speed as the player. Aliased a function. Updated documentation.
Version -> 2.01
Updated documentation.